Sunday, 2 March 2014

200th Instax + Tie Dye day

Hey there! I have some really fun photos to share with you today! I haven't posted in a while because of school and dance etc. but I'm back now and have lots of exciting photos to share!

These are a few photos taken with my friend Sarah (who now has her own Instax wide) when we had a tie-dye day during our christmas break, so I won't be going through them individually as they are pretty self explanatory.
It is in this collection that we celebrate my 200th Instax photo! It didn't turn out as well as we had hoped, mainly because my mother didn't understand how uncomfortable it is to hold a scorpion for any amount of time (dancer problems). But the addition of some adorable stickers seemed to cheer it up a little!
I have decided that from now on I will individually scan some of the photos that turned out particularly well. I feel like scanning all at once doesn't really give you enough of a chance too see them. On that note I will have a few more posts in the coming week or two so make sure to check back!
Thanks for reading and make sure to follow me on Bloglovin,
AnnaMae ❤

Saturday, 4 January 2014

189 Instax Photographs

Earlier today I started to wonder how many Instax photos I had ever taken. I received my Instax Mini 7s from my wonderful friends for my 16th Birthday (October 2012) and have been snapping at every opportunity ever since! :)
I decided to count the photos by counting an album and then writing the number now, to avoid any mistakes e.g.There are 72 photo slots in each album not including the cover space so that was a good way to keep track (I also have a half filled album). After counting each of the albums, including the only photo I don't have in my possession, a group photo of my friends and I with Franca from Germany   an exchange student who was staying with one of my other friends. At the end of our day out I gave the photo to her. This broke my heart but I knew she would take care of it. I am a little  really obsessive over keeping my photos so funnily that was quite a big deal for me, but I am very happy with my decision!
well that was off topic….
Anyways after counting all the photos 3 times over I realised I was missing one. As most of you will know instax films come in packs of 10, so this didn't add up. So, I freaked out and after about 2 hours of recounting and thinking back I remembered when I thought there were only 9 films in a pack. I am probably wrong but either that happened or I lost one along the way (which I highly doubt).
Either way I have decided to carry on as if I have taken 190 Instax photographs. It will be a lot more fun to celebrate my 200th photo rather than my maybe 200th maybe 199th photograph.

Well, thats my story, I hope you have enjoyed my little panic! Please don't be afraid to leave a comment below if something similar has ever happened to you, I am still looking for answers!
Lots of love, AnnaMae <3
This photo is actually one of the first Instax I ever took and it has always been one of my favourites
so I thought I would share it with you :)

Friday, 3 January 2014

Stained Glass Instax Film Review

It's almost time to go back to school…which will sadly mean a LOT less time to instax…
But before that happens, I have another film to share with you!

This film is the "Stained Glass Instax Mini Film". And another film that I am in love with! The benefit of this film is that it adds colour and fun without being too in your face, or without a particular theme that you would have -kinda- had to follow. I would suggest this film for more of a casual setting, like indoors joking around with friends, rather than out and about or at an occasion. 

I feel a little strange just putting some of these photos out without really explaining them, so I think in future I will probably talk about the actual photos more and what I could do to improve them.

Stained glass instax mini film

1- a little dark but I can't change the Irish weather!

2- Cute, but as photo 1 was printing I think some rain got into the film which caused the white mark.

3- Although in the instruction manual it says that if you are taking an Instax with a reflective surface hold the camera oblique to the surface so that it doesn't catch the flash. This, obviously hasn't proved successful for me yet! (also here in photo 7 in the second set of photos).

4+5- I like how both of these photos turned out, but I could have moved closer to my friend Rebecca because the background is very plain.

6- An attempted selfie, the main problem in this is just that I am too frickin' pale and that I am so white the flash bounces off me a lot… it happens…

7- Honesly I just thought this wall looked cute so I told some of my friends to lean against it and look cool. You might notice that my friend Caoimhe has her own Instax (mini 25) which she got for Christmas and I am currently trying to convince her to maybe write a post on learning to use the Instax Mini 25.

8- This is probably illegible after being scanned in, but the signs read "Happy New Year 2013 - 2014" and two exclamation points as an extra flourish by the 10 year old who wanted everyone to have a sign (she's just too cute). This was taken on the stairs of our family friends and neighbours house, where we usually have the same photo without the signs every year. In future I would have all the lettering filled in in black rather than colour as the flash washes it out too much.

9- On my way to a party with my family on new years eve.

10- I especially love this photo of my best friend Sarah and I after ballet class. It's just adorable and I think the colour of Sarah's leotard pulls in perfectly with the border of the film.

Thanks for reading! <3